The Utillian 722 vaporizer refines all the things the community loved about the Utillian 721 to create Utillian’s best dry herb vaporizer yet. The Utillian 722 features convection style heating, single button operation, 4 preset temperatures, 30-second heat up, a boost mode for full extraction, a 2300mah battery.
Now we must mention that the U722 is still a 2nd generation vaporizer, meaning that if convenience and portability are what you are after, something like the 3rd generation Zeus Arc GTS, which comes with dry herb pods would be more suitable for you. Take into consideration that the Utillian 722 is better in regards to vapor quality as it is a premium convection device.
You want a strong performing convection style vaporizer. The Utillian 722 improves upon the strong performance of the 721 vaporizer, offering a higher maximum temperature for full spectrum vaporization for your herbs.
The Utillian 722 vaporizer follows in the footsteps of its predecessor, offering impressive convection style vapor in an affordable easy to use package. The large heating chamber is capable of holding up to .4 grams of herb and uses convection to heat your herbs. Convection works by heating your material with hot air rather than direct contact with the heat source, resulting in better airflow and a more even cook.
The boost mode for the utillian vape has had a complete overhaul. The boost mode can be activated at anytime by simply pressing and holding the power button. When the button is held the 722 vaporizer will enter boost mode and begin to rapidly heat to 225 degrees celsius. This is a higher maximum temperature than the 721 and will provide better extraction for your dry herbs. The boost mode is a perfect way to finish your session.
The 722 vaporizer stays true to its roots with a simple one button design that makes the device extremely easy to use. Turn the device on and off, toggle temperature settings or enable boost mode all with the same button. Effortless vaping.
The Utillian 722 features four base temperature settings: 180C°, 190C°, 200C°, 210C° which offer an effective range for vaporizing your dry herb. Along with the new enhanced boost mode the Utillian 722 provides ample options for choosing your favorite temperature range for vaping your dry herbs.
The Utillian 722 features a new wider mouthpiece and optimized airflow. Airflow on the 721 was good, but on the 722 it's even better thanks to the wider mouthpiece which helps refine the air pathway, allowing for more vapor to passthrough at one time. This means bigger clouds and smoother draws. The mouthpiece itself is a massive improvement over the 721.
The Utillian 722 comes with backed for 1 Year by our Hassle-free warranty program. Why deal with the manufacturer when you can deal directly with us? This does not cover physical damage or natural degradation of your battery. If something should happen to your Utillian 722 vaporizer do not hesitate to contact our customer service team and they will be happy to help.
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