The Zeus Arc GTS Hub is a 3rd generation vaporizer that includes everything you need to start vaporizing quickly and conveniently in one tidy package. This is the premium version of the Zeus Arc GTS Hub and features the patented gold heating chamber, GoldSink Technology and the ability to load herbs straight into the device or load the patented ArcPods directly. Thanks to its efficient design, the entire vaporization process is simplified; From grinding and loading ArcPods with the Xtruder, or enjoying the effortless roast of the Zeus Arc GTS, to emptying your vaped herb into the Hub. The Zeus Arc GTS Hub is a convenient 360 solution for all your dry herb needs. The Zeus Arc GTS Hub also includes a complete Zeus Purify Grime Kit.
We should mention that the Zeus Arc GTS is a conduction-style vaporizer, therefore if the best vapor quality is what you’re looking for then a device like the Utillian 722 would be more suitable. Keep in mind that the Zeus Arc GTS, because it works with pre-filled pods is definitely a better option when it comes to convenience and portability.
You’re looking for a one stop vaporizer solution that includes a premium vaporizer along with everything you need to process and enjoy your dry herbs from start to finish.
The Zeus Arc GTS is a high-performance vaporizer designed in Germany featuring a gold conduction chamber that results in high quality vapor. It is compatible with the all-new ArcPods, a single serve system that drastically minimizes the hassle that comes with grinding, packing, loading and cleaning your vaporizer.
The reusable and disposable ArcPod makes it super easy to load and unload your Zeus Arc GTS on the go. Pack multiple Arc Pods ahead of time and conveniently have multiple sessions in your pocket to keep you going all day or night. Each ArcPod holds up to 0.3 grams of dry herb. You may also purchase the ArcPod paper Lids separately in a Lid Pacswhen in need of replacements.
The new Zeus Xtruderis the most refined component of the entire package. Designed to fill ArcPods with perfectly ground herb, the Xtruder ejects the ArcPods once filled. Taking out the guesswork and mess now even absolute beginners to vaporizing can enjoy satisfying and consistent doses with each session, straight out of the box.
Not only is the The Hub designed to house the Zeus Arc GTS and it’s accessories in one tidy spot. It also acts as the base of operations for loading and unloading your ArcPods. It features a tool that simply removes the lids from the arc pods and a try to deposit your vaped herb.
The new mouthpiece design of the Zeus Arc GTS is optimized for reduced exposure of the silicone rubber to the vapor path. This results in an improved flavor profile over the older Zeus Arc GT.
Another advantage of the newly redesigned mouthpiece is less heat transfer from the internal oven of the Zeus Arc GTS to the mouthpiece. What this means is a more comfortable vaping experience for your lips, especially for those that like to go the distance with longer and multiple sessions.
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