German-made Volcano Classic by Storz & Bickel has remained one of the best desktop vaporizers since its introduction to the American market in 2003. Equipped with advanced features such as precision temperature control, convection heating, and an easy-to-use balloon bag system, the Volcano vaporizer offers elite-level vapor quality, convenience, and reliability.
Boasting a powerful convection heating system, the Volcano delivers extremely pure vapor. In fact, 95% of its output consists of the compounds found in dry herb. The fidelity of its vapor makes the Volcano a popular tabletop device for medicinal and recreational users alike.
The Volcano Classic Vaporizer features an advanced balloon bag filling system. This enables users to take hits in a more portable manner from surgical-grade silicone balloon bags. Each bag lasts between 50 and 100 uses. One bowl of dry herb will fill around 3 to 4 balloon bags